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    Opening ceremony of the 2019 graduation season series of "love in huazhong normal university" held

    December 5, 2019  onclick:[]

    On May 30, the opening ceremony of the 2019 graduation season series of "love in the Chinese teachers' school" was held in burson cinema.Vice President CAI hongsheng attended and delivered a speech. Relevant department heads and representatives of teachers and students attended.

    In his speech, Mr Choi said that the university's alumni are always the link between graduates and their Alma mater.The purpose of the graduation series is to strengthen the relationship between Chinese normal university graduates and their Alma mater. Graduation season is beautiful but short.The university has prepared a series of graduation activities, hoping that the graduates can retain the good memories of their Alma mater and spend the time of graduation happily.

    The director of the office of alumni work and cooperative development introduced the 2019 graduation season series.This year's graduation season activities include "love poem gift, mail to the Chinese teachers", "I take a picture with the Chinese teachers", "gather love, contribute to the campus".Graduates can write their love on the wall, take a photo with a large graduation certificate, freeze memorable moments, but also can offer love, get a souvenir of the Chinese teachers.

    The participants jointly pressed the ball at the unveiling ceremony to officially open the 2019 graduation season series of "love in the Chinese normal university grateful Alma mater". Present teachers and students sign on the signature wall, holding creative photo board for a group photo.After the opening ceremony, teachers and students watched the graduation movie "a dog's mission 2".

    The event is hosted by the alumni work and cooperation development office, undertaken by the school of social sciences, and co-organized by the undergraduate school, graduate school and the university youth league committee.

    PreNews:The second "rule of law horizon" scholarship evaluation meeting was successfully held NextNews:2019 Foundation Working Conference of CCNU



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